Journalist travel to Ukraine is actually extremely easy despite the current conflict, although where exactly you can go and what you can do will depend greatly on who you are and your contacts.

To read about journalistic travel to Russia click here.

An Overview to Journalist Travel to Ukraine

Ukraine essentially is now operating on pretty much an open-border policy. This is so that aid can easily be brought into the country, weapons and at least in the beginning foreign volunteer fighters.

In this respects entering the Ukraine as a journalist is actually probably easier than it has ever been, particularly if you are covering from an anti-Ukrainian viewpoint.

It should be noted that both Lviv and Kiev are relatively safe aside from the odd bombing, as evidenced by the numerous news outlets that have set up base in the capital to give the veneer of on the spot coverage. Agencies that were not there when Kiev was looking like it might well fall.

Can journalists travel to the front in Ukraine

Journalists that wish to travel o the front in Ukraine will usually be required to have security clearance and to be working with, or for what is deemed a friendly, or fraternal news organization.

The process for this is relatively easy compared to getting the same permissions in the Russian Federation.

Can Journalists visit Chernobyl?

With Chernobyl now back under the control of Ukrainian forces some sense of normality has returned to the former nuclear power plant. Tourists are still banned from visiting, but it is now possible for journalists to visit Chernobyl.

Doing this requires pre-approval and the presentation of proper journalistic credentials.

YPDR can usually arrange journalist trips to Chernobyl, but as an active war zone this is a situation that is ever changing.

Can you do guerrilla journalism in Ukraine?

In soem respects now is probably the easiest time to engage in guerrilla journalism within Ukraine. The doors are essentially open for anyone that deems themselves a supporter.

But, the real stain on the gporund should be taken into account. Ukraine is at war and journalistic freedom is now at its lowest since the time of the Soviet Union. If you are deemed to be working against the state then you are liable to be expelled, arrested, or worse, regardless of the passport you hold and how akin to the cause you feel.

Can YPDR help journalists in Ukraine?

We have a number of contacts both foreign and local that are actively working in Ukraine. We can arrange transport into and around the country, local guides and permissions to enter certain areas.

We also have sufficient contacts to arrange both civilian and military interviews, as well as arrange permits for people such as documentary makers.

We do not personally condone war tourism to Ukraine, but we do also see the value in people visiting and spending money in the country during the conflict.

Can you help arrange travel for aid workers, or volunteer soldiers?

We do not advocate embarking on aid work ad-hoc, or on a whim. We believe this should be done through official channels and thus where possible arranged through the agency, or agencies that you are working with.

We can though arrange fact-finding missions for people looking to get involved with aid work within Ukraine.

We do not support, nor have any involvement with the “volunteer soldier sector”. Firstly this has largely ended up a failure with most volunteers having now returned home with their tails between their legs, but it also potentially contradicts the laws of most countries.

Can you take tourists into Ukraine during the conflict?

We can take tourists into the Ukraine on a case by case basis. This includes bloggers, and other social media journalists. For this we personally vet anyone that wishes to travel. Of course before embarking on any such travel it is important to take in the advice of government agencies such as the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office before deciding on traveling – you can check out their link here (link to UKFCO website).

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