Journalists can travel to the Yemeni island of Socotra with relative ease, but there are still some restrictions to travel here, as well as certain caveats related to doing journalism on the island.

To read about the Relic of Socotra click here (link to TNOFTW)

Can journalist visit Yemen?

Yemen has for all intents been  blocked to regular tourism and particularly joyranllasits since the start of the war over 10 years ago. Some journalists have managed to visit the mainland, but these tend to be on press junkets organized by controlling bodies of outside actors, with little to no western investigative journalism going on in the area.

Socotra has largely been an exception to this, although logistically has been largely hard to get too.

What is the political situation on Socotra?

The island is dejure part of Yemen, officially controlled by South Yemen and the Southern Transitional Council, but defcato under the control of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

This makes it essentially a bastion from the war in Yemen, as well the most accessible part of what can be termed areas controlled by “South Yemen”. With that being said though the people here consider themselves Socotri, rather than Yemeni, so this doe snot make the perfect place to doo a “Yemen uncovered” piece.

Can journalist travel to Socotra?

Journalists technically need a journalist visa to travel to the island, although these can be arranged with relative ease. The political situation here though does raise danger for those wishing to report against the current rulers, or seen to be taking liberties with the questions asked to locals.

WE have personally had conversations broken up by locals enraged by what our groups were either doing, or talking about, usually by this associated with either the current, or former regime.

Those doing more bread projects, particularly based around nature, or the envorienment though will receive no trouble at all, with the island being rich in expatriates involved in conservation work.

To read about journalists in Syria click here (link to YPDR

Can you do guerrilla journalism in Socotra?

Guerrilla journalism is not heavily advised, bit also far from impossible in Socotra. How far you can go and what exactly you cam do will depend greatly on what your journalistic project on the island entails.

What can YPDR duo for  journalist in Socotra?

We can offer a broad range of services from transport, local guides, to security, as well as business and political meetings (within reason and with enough time to arrange).

For more information on traveling to Socotra as journalist click here.

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